I got another one of those presidential e mails from Obama.
The gist is this:
(Apparently we are on a first name basis!)
Fran --
After years of waiting and months of debate, it's easy to forget how painfully urgent the fight for health reform truly is. Since the full Senate began debating its bill just two weeks ago, approximately 200,000 Americans have lost their health insurance.
They all have stories to tell -- the heartbreak of loss, the frightening reality of being denied life-saving care, friends and neighbors at risk simply because they cannot afford insurance.
These stories are a necessary reminder to some in Washington: This debate is about something far more important than protecting profits or scoring political points through delay.
It's about who we are and what we value as a people. It's about whether Americans are ready to come together once again to build a stronger nation.
Comprehensive health reform legislation has passed the House and the debate has moved to the Senate. Never before have we made it this far. Now we have a chance to make history together.
We're in the final stretch of this fight. Please donate $5 or more today to support Organizing for America's 50-state campaign for reform.

Dear Mr. President:
I'd like you to know I donated $1800 dollars, and an additional $2400 to health care, plus hundreds more in co pays. Not to your campaign, but what I paid in co pays & payments to have insurance, for me, my husband who was unemployed half the year, and my (starving) college student.
So please don't ask me to spend money to contribute to the campaign when you just announced you'll be spending $30 billion taxpayer money for more war.
Because even if your heath care plan goes through, I will still be paying through the nose to for profit insurance company bastards. You took the public option off the table, and put war on the table.
There is no confusion to me that the two are directly related.... when congress whines about having no money to pay for healthcare.... just look at the billions spent on wars. We have money, the government just continues to mismanage it.
Furthermore, things are looking up!
Next year I have a $500 deductible, and $50 prescription co pays, plus I get to pay 20% of the overall bill.
Did I mention I was on a pay freeze?
Let's just say I already gave at the office.
Call me an unhappy constituent.
P.S. My college student needs root canal dental work done for over $1000. Can you donate to him?