She is talking to a Congresswoman who was shot in the head point blank, was hospitalized for a long time, had to give up her job, and endure months of surgery & therapy, has a traumatic brain injury & is partially paralyzed, and whose life will never be the same.
"Connecticut State Rep. DebraLee Hovey, the state's assistant Republican leader, posted a note on her Facebook page saying, "Gabby Gifford stay out of my towns!"
She later (sort of) apologized, but her apology expresses her concern about politicizing the massacre.
Debra Lee Hovey, your state just buried 20 children & 6 adults, teachers & school administrators.

Which side are you on Debra Lee Holvey?
Because if you think massive slaughter ought not be political,
you are so out of touch as to insult a person who endured hell, with a direct
gunshot to the head, then you clearly want more of the same.
Giffords & Kelly
On the second anniversary of a mass shooting in Arizona that wounded Giffords and killed six others, the couple launched a political action committee, Americans for Responsible Solutions, along with a website calling for contributions to help "encourage elected officials to stand up for solutions to prevent gun violence and protect responsible gun ownership."
The acronym for the PAC is "ARS", maybe they inadvertently mean to kick the NRA in the ARS???
What a class act Giffords & Kelly are to insert some sanity into this topic.
If anyone is entitled to weigh in on this topic, it is the family that suffered a gun spree & lived.
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