Monday, December 31, 2007

Welcome 2008

Green waters and verdant mountains
are the places to walk in meditation;
by the streams or under the trees
are places to clear the mind.
Observe impermanence,
never forget it;
this urges on the will to seek enlightenment.

- Keizan Jokin (1264-1325)


  1. That is a fantastic graphic Fran. When I expanded it, I was lost in it for a bit.

    Thank you and here is hoping we all have something to be happy about in 08 ;)

  2. wow...this is so amazing and wonderful Welcome to the New Year....thank you for all of your wonderful blogging this year and kind thoughts and humor....

    Happy New Year....

  3. This mandala is beautiful, expanded. I made it my new desktop picture for now. I liked the Zen writing, this is very old, but yet new.... seemed fitting for the new year.

    This has been a great journey, meeting folks on the net and sorting through life.
    I really do embrace the newness of going into a new year. We went out @ the midnight hour rang a Tibetan bell, beat Native drum & the son jammed a bit on his trumpet. We always like to do that as a ritual-- step out into the new year & welcome it in.
    I lit incense for my family members & an extra one for *the universe*. I brought out a candle lantern as a symbol of bringing light into the new year.
    I hung a small strand of prayer flags outside on the screen door. I am trying to summon up the positive. Getting into nature does help us get centered, be clear. Resolve to do more of that.
    I bow to those who work for peace & bring light.
    May we all be enlightened.

  4. Happy New Year to you Fran! Wouldn't it be great if we would all take the time to meditate and find the peace that we so desperately need in these difficult times?

  5. We watched American Grafitti. EK tells me I should've played the Mackenzie Phillips part (Carol). Well, it was set in 1962. At midnight, the dogs & us went outside to our rock pond & listened to the neighborhood teens setting off firecrackers. The fraidy-dog ran & hid in our closet. The deaf-dog didn't seem to mind. Then it was time to have our NY glass of wine (a not-bad pinot noir) & finish A.G.!

    ps, love the Mandala, so intricate. One of my sisters is a quilter & I would like to send her this pattern, but she would kill me. Still, I'm imagining it as a perfect bed quilt to engender good dreams.

  6. Me~ Yep we are going to need all the help we can get in an election year. Now there is an excellent resolution-- Find Peace.

    DK- a rock pond eh? Interesting the deaf dog did not mind the fireworks noise! Glad you enjoyed the mandala-- I would not want to quilt the intimate pattern of this one, so it is kind of you to not taunt the quilter.

    Hey Diz~ Good to see ya. Best wishes.
