Sunday, February 3, 2008

Rain~ I don't mind

Beatles: Rain

After a little sampling of snow & ice last week, our Pacific NW Rains have returned. I have a new appreciation for the rain~ you don't have to scrape it off the windshield, shovel it, or slip & slide on it. Rain~ I don't mind.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love the video and the backward masking.

  3. I think we got your snow & ice today, Fran! First time this winter. So much frost, our satellite dish went out during superbowl, causing husband to get up on a ladder & fling hot water on it! And I've come down with a headcold the same day, good timing, huh.

    ps, I'm beginning to wonder if my blogger woes are worse than I thought. When I tried to play the "Rain" vid just now, I got a black screen saying "sorry, this video is no longer available". same thing happened at dada's. is it just me?

  4. Sorry you got the snow mid superbowl no less-- I could see a guy saying *This can't be happening! I will climb a ladder in the ice & snow to fix this!!!*.
    I'm playing the vid (genuinely happy to have rain again, after our pretty 5 inches of snow turned into ice- making freeway traffic travel at less than 1 mile per hour-- before the semi truck jacknifed on the freeway ice, closing it down entirely). Sorry about the woes. Dada's posted vid first loaded really slowly, but eventually did appear for me.... never got that message that you did.
    In any case-- welcome back, hope the techno troubles go away.

    although the hot water trick may have worked for the dish, I don't recommend it for the computer!

  5. hmmmm, hot water on the computer ... well, maybe it's not such a bad idea, if it could somehow be channeled directly through the 'puter into the blogger online "help"ers.

    and yes, you should've seen husband (who also has bad headcold) climbing the ladder to throw hot water on the satellite dish. sorry to say, it was MY idea. after listening to him fuming about it for 30-minutes, I thought it was worth a try. And it worked! He says it was a good game & worth the risk of scalding himself while slipping into ice & snow.

  6. Too funny! Some things are just worth risking life & limb for. The game was boring for the most part & the commercials- lots were duds, with a few good ones. (bet they are kicking themselves for spending $2.7 million- The cost of a 30-second commercial during the Super bowl, is the highest ever.)
    In the end of the final quarter was when the game got interesting.
    My husband announced the Patriots had won & I said I was rooting for the underdog--don't want the same team to win year after year- just then, the Giants scored & were ahead with 2+ minutes remaining.

  7. oh toooooo funny...yup..I hate winter..I lived in the NW for 16 years..and now that I am here in Siberia- I do remember and STILL love the Rain...the NW rain....sigh...

    the Giants scored in the last 35 seconds- there I was like a true loser packing up the snacks...and BOOM...they scored I almost

    ( it was a great thing..and Underdog thing..that Moment)

  8. I was rooting for the underdog & was stoked they about pulling it out of the fire!

  9. It was Something...I had just given my son the "Well the Under Dogs don't always Win " lecture....and there was I spillled Doritos all over the TV....6-6 was laughing ,yellow dog was busy eating up the dropped chips and I could NOT believe they pulled it out- it was amazing...I have never ever seen a game like that...
