Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Views from Oregon...

South Sister

Falls Creek

Mysterious Plume off South Sister

The above photos were taken by the husband, he went on a little camping trip recently.

Wolf Song ~ Nature photo montage


  1. GORGEOUS photos. Is South Sister a volcano? Or was that just a strange cloud?

  2. Sisters Mountains (North, South & Middle) are volcanic.... so the husband was wondering if that was a "burp" from the volcano?
    It's all rock, so there is nothing up there to burn.

    I just thought I'd take a break from the grind we call reality & post something pretty & refreshing. Just took a nice bikeride on the river trail. Very nice.

  3. Those were zen moments for me. Thanks Fran! :)

  4. Man I need to get away to a very quiet and beautiful place.
    Thanks for sharing.
