Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I'd like to thank the academy, and all my loyal readers. Really though, I have been given nice awards from fellow bloggers, and up till now have been working on an somewhat ancient computer that simply would not cooperate to post them where they belong on the sidebar.

So I am taking a moment to thank you folks & give these lovely awards a front & center Hurrah!
It's nice to have some appreciation & encouragement to write & be a part of the blogosphere.
They come with the responsibility to also Award others~ so I shall.
Again, sorry for the slow response, I'm blaming technology!

I give recognition to the Diva & DK @ Redheaded Wisdom please do swing by their blogs & enjoy.

Diva's Journey's with Jood

DK ~ Redheaded Wisdom

Arte & Pico Award

Progressive Patriot

And the winners are.......... (drumroll please)

Arte & Pico Award


Progressive Patriot Award

Border Explorer

Dadas Dally


The rules for this award are as follows:

(1) Put the logo on your blog

(2) Add a link to the person who awarded you

(3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs

(4) Add links to those blogs on yours

(5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

Dusty~ It's my right to be Left of Center

DK ~ Redheaded Wisdom

Christopher From the Left


  1. Fran,

    Thanks, thanks and thanks again!

    You're the best!

  2. Fran, your kind regard is the best kind of award I could ever have. I will display the Progressive Patriot badge with great pride. My sincere thanks to you, a true patriot! We need more citizens like you, Fran. Thanks again!

  3. I look forward to reading your blogs, be it in depth focus pieces, witty humor, cutting edge sarcasm, you bring fresh perspectives on news & issues. I get some of my best information from the blogosphere.
    I thank you all & encourage you to keep on writing, and keeping the creative juices flowing.

    Enjoy the award & pass them on to other deserving writers. I think you are supposed to give them to 5 other bloggers. As you can see I took the unconventional route, because so many writers have been given these awards.

    So please bestow them upon other bloggers who could use kudos for their talents.
    Write on!

  4. Aw, your making me blush Fran! ;p

  5. A Brillante! Yeaaayyyy! Diamonds are a girl's best friend.

    Congrat's to you for the awards, and thanks for all your kind thoughts & suppport on the blogs. These honors are welcome inspiration.

  6. Fran: Thank you ever sooo much! (Your excellent tastes in blogs is affirmed! ~ OK, OK, sorry, I was being flippant, but definitely NOT non-appreciative.)

    BTW, I really like your new blog look. I think it's lifted your spirits (from all the singing you've been doing lately).

