Monday, September 22, 2008

A Word from President Obama

Don't just fire one guy


  1. yeah...we need MASSIVE change...and Soon....I love your new clock..awesome...I have the speech that tommy smothers gave last night...about speaking truth to power...yup....that is what we need...

    I hope and pray that milllions show up at the polls ...and kick McCoots ass..

  2. Hi E ~ Thanks for posting the piece about the KING- it raises a BIG RED FLAG for me-- why would someone ask for total legal immunity & lack of review if what they were about to do is probably illegal?

    There are more & more people are homeless under this regime & their voices need to be heard.
    Those people need bailing out, because they were the ones who suffered the abuses of the high financiers folly.

    How many of us are thinking if this whole banking mess does crash, can we withstand the blow? With jobs that pay poorly, people are having to work 2 jobs just to make ends meet-- not even talking about anything fancy-- a relatively simple lifestyle, now seems to be on very shaky ground.
