Friday, October 10, 2008

Toning it down

McCain must have had some words from authorities to tone down the angry mob rhetoric. It was never OK to invoke the hatred of terrorist innuendos, that made the crowds fierce and threatening, vicious and vengeful.
Like this guy, with his NOBAMA /NO SOCIALISM sign. Sir, have you been paying attention at all in the last few weeks? Because seven hundred billion dollars just flew out of the U. S. Treasury for Socialized bailout money for Corporate Welfare. Sir, that ship has already sailed, and trust me when I say, you will not find that money in your 401k quarterly statement. Please note it is under the Bush as Decider regime that this economic failure has occurred.


  1. I have been encouraging people to write and call Secret Service and posting their address every day....

    ( Inciting Violence and Harm admidst a Mob.......Obama's family needs more protection now...and so does Obama..due to our history and WHAT Palin and McCain did we have every right to demand Better and More protection for Obama).

    And yes, we all need to keep blogging it and also write and call Editorial Boards and MSM they need to STOP this behavior...

    thanks for blogging it....

  2. BTW your blog is looking sooooo beautiful....I love the bridge header photo...lovely...Ansel Adams ....oh my...wonderful....

  3. I'm glad McCain has done an about face on the fear & loathing his rallies have been promoting. I'm sure lots of people have been filing complaints about the behavior. It was offensive, dangerous & inappropriate.

    Thanks for the blog layout compliment ~ Ms. Dusty takes the credit.

  4. It is truly amazing the mental hoops these people must jump through to not see who has brought us to the brink of socialism (oh gawd no, the horror!). No wonder they have no coherent thought processes left; it's exhausting being so purposefully ignorant.

  5. My friend said she gets crazy right wing stuff sent to her from some relatives.It is like as if it were coming from another planet.

    Whatever forced the change, I am glad McCain is turning down the angry mob hype. That was getting a little too bloodthirsty, so stand by smiling while the crowd yelled "Kill him"/"Get him". Were they passing out pitchforks & torches @ the exit door?
