Sunday, December 14, 2008

Old Man Winter is here...

I live in a fairly low elevation valley that rarely gets snow.... but we are having a dose of the white stuff falling tonight. It's pretty!


  1. Stop sending us all that windy snow! Your arctic freeze has descended on us, too. Tonight we are again in white-out, snow, 28-degrees & falling. I feel kind of wimpy complaining about it though, after seeing MT & ND (yikes! MINUS 50 degrees incl wind chill factor? that's not human!).

  2. It's freaking 24 degrees here this morning!
    I asked my husband to join me on the patio, but he just laughed. Looks so pretty... it's sparkling in the light! Imagine yourself in a magical beautiful snow globe.... pay no attention to the fact that it's freezing ass cold.
    Enjoy the glistening view as you drink something good like spiked hot cocoa. Or maybe a shot of Bailey's Cream in your coffee.

    Today is the first day not back to work for the husband. Not having to go dig out, & trudge the 10 mile one way commute- priceless!

    I was in Chicago once when their lake effect winter storm yielded a -60 below w wind chill factor temperature.
    Brrrr! To the bone cold.
    The big city was shut down. Busses did not even run. I remember, because it was my Mom's birthday in January. That is wicked cold.

    I saw film footage of Portland Oregon yesterday.... looked like a slip & slide on a bridge overpass! Ironically it was a 4WD truck that was sliding sideways.
    Ice is Ice!!!

    I have 3 days off.... so this is all just a special treat as far as I am concerned.
    Go out... make snow angels, throw snow at each other!!!!

    I am going to make a miniature snowman, & put it in the freezer, since my son is missing out on this snowfall while he is in Ohio.

    They are calling for Snowshowers this am & a high of 39 for the day. It's a rare treat for us. ... so this is a sacrifice you just have to make.

    Maybe it's a good day to watch the Christmas Story movie- are you familiar with it? Ralphie & the Daisy bb gun
    You'll shoot your eye out & the fra-gee-lay
    (fragile) lamp- that is a woman;s leg in a fishnet stocking as the base?
