Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A wish for you

And so this is Christmas. So many folks having a hard time relating to this holiday season. It has been a rough go with a bad president. Everyone has had some kind of effect of this regime. I am not going to wax poetic about the holiday. I see so many troublesome things happening, I find myself struggling to keep it upbeat. So hang in there. Happy Holidays. Even if you are having hard times, just remember there are still good folks doing good works. Get your inspiration from them. You can still do random acts of kindness, even if you are struggling, or overwhelmed.

Yesterday's paper was chock full of depressing news- a wheelchair stolen. phone lines cut to steal copper wiring, corporate skankiness.

Today's headline read anonymous donor gives $600,000 to the local food bank. Wow! There are people who care, and I encourage us all, myself included to catch those positive sparks, and keep the flames burning. Enough said- be good each other & yourself.

Here is some music to enjoy..... Namaste

Celtic Christmas

Forever Young~ Dylan

Walking in the Air~ From "The Snowman" A dreamy, beautifully animated film.


  1. Enjoy the family Fran.

    Happy Xmas and a Merry New Year to all! ;)

  2. Have a splendid Christmas and Holiday, Fran!

    Enjoy, eat well, and stay safe.

    Can' you imagine having $600,000 to give to a food bank?

  3. I can hear words in my head to that celtic xmas vid, something about "the foggy dew" and "the world did gaze in deep amaze at those men so valient and true" ... but can't recall the rest of it.

    May you stay forever young! Perfect! Happy Day to the Ramblings!

  4. really beautiful songs....and your thoughts really did nail so true...

    I too combed the papers looking for good news....

  5. Dustorella~ We can be glad the silly season is behind up now. Next year's gotta be better-- right?

    Christopher~ Back at cha.... Eating well might be my problem! But I know what you meant. Hope you are having a great holiday season.

    DK~ Hmmm.. I;d never heard it before, but found it refreshing that it was both acoustic and unknown.
    My head was about to explode from stores cramming the pop X mas tunes down our throats.
    The husband happened to bring up the Dylan tune, because the *winds are changin' shift* around here.

    E~ It was so refreshing to get a break from the dirge of negative stuff happening.
    Please! Someone do something helpful/good/ kind.
    The food bank around here was hurting because so many unemployed. People who normally donate, were in line for help.

    IN other news, the husband made it to Ohio in Friday-- made it clear across the country... but hit a snag in Cincinnati. they canceled his flight due to fog, then put him on standby for an overbooked flight, which hours later also got canceled.
    The next potential flight was looking iffy as well, we finally gave up & had my other son drive the 65 miles one way, to go pick him up.
    He finally made it there after a 15 hour day of flight.


    Well at least he made it there to be with his Dad, lovingly known as Grandpa Mac.
