Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day

它是愚人節。 肯定您期望我也許做某事牆壁。 如此有中國語言影片,以及說明用中文似乎像樂趣事做。 我希望我浩大和膨脹的讀者讚賞幽默。


  1. It is April fool's day. Surely you expected I might do something off the wall. So having a Chinese language film, as well as captions in Chinese seemed like a fun thing to do. I hope my vast and expansive readership appreciates the humor.

  2. You do realize that the irony of this is that the Chinese population probably knows more about the American Great Depression than most Americans. We now live in an Idiocracy.

  3. you sucked me in!

    I want a translator. I think we are being called greedy capitalist pigs!

  4. HA! I bet there is commentary about how bad the stupid American's capitalism program is a failure & they should be happy to live in a communist country where this will never happen.
