Monday, March 9, 2009

Financial Advice

You get what you pay for?


  1. I loved his assessment of this... it is great and he is so spot on with hammering them. I loved it. I keep asking why it is we get more objective views from him and Colbert than from our regular media or so it seems.

  2. It's a kick to take a glance back & see what the financial pundits were pitching not so long ago & the reality check of what happened. Whoah!!!

    This idea of blaming people who got crummy mortgages as "the problem". Predatory lenders or lenders who approved anyone with a pulse are not to blame!

    How about the audience BOOING about the series of money flowing out to AIG- triple dipping!

    Why does the Gvmnt keep giving them money?

  3. thanks for keeping it all in perspective...and making us laugh...( I need Flash update to watch...)
    but thanks...


  4. We need a laugh around the Wall Street mess.
    Why not declare AIG is not to get another penny?

  5. Stewart is our institutional memory.

    If only the media had the cojones of the Daily Show team.

  6. Well said Lulu! Makes you think you should do the opposite of whatever they are saying.

  7. Stewart is still giving Cramer hell tonight. He soooo deserves it. All these so-called financial gurus were so full of shit.
