Friday, March 27, 2009

Hard day on the planet...

Loudon Wainwright~ Hard Day on the Planet

Caption This.....


  1. My youngest daughter was playing with a dog in the living room while we were doing our thing sitting around the kitchen table. The cog belonged to a friend of mine who was visiting. The Doberman bit her ear and tore it almost all the way off!

    Needless to say, the dog was banned from my house after that. This happened way back in 1984 when daughter was 7. The doctor asked, while stitching her ear, "Did you shoot the dog?"

  2. Oooh! That's rough. Now I am thinking of changing the caption, because some dogs ARE dangerous and aggressive & it is no joke...

    This photo is quite the opposite the dog was passive and happy to let the kid color her white canvas body.

    OK- I did change it from

    Don't leave kids unattended with dangerous breeds of dogs.

    to" Caption This."...

    That was a frightening & painful experience.

    Sorry- I meant to invoke a smile or an awwwww
    not bad memories of a dangerous dog.

  3. I'm pretty sure that is a bull terrier, not a pit bull. I think the kid was trying to make it look like the dog in Spanky & Our Gang. I loved that dog; he played outfield or whatever position they were short when The Gang played baseball.

    ps, much as I love my dogs, I NEVER leave them unattended around small children. Who knows what those kids will do to the dog (usually unthinkingly). One of my neices lifted up our old Lab's lips while she was sleeping under the dining table & asked us if she'd been eating chocolate (because her lips were black). Good thing the old Lab was sweet tempered. She just laid there & let the neice pull up her floppy lips!

  4. It's true even a mellow dog can be provoked if they get stepped on, or a kid is not in tune with if the dog is liking any particular thing.

    There are also some breeds that are aggressive.
    In most places if a dog attacks & draws blood (not just a puppy nip), they are put down.
    I don't have to tell you-- you nurtured a dog that was severely attacked by a pit bull it lived with.

    I meant for it to be heartwarming...and it does look like Spanky's dog from the little Rascals.

  5. I thought it was indeed heartwarming to see a big dog allowing himself to be used as a coloring book!

    Caption: Mommy said I couldn't use my crayon markers on the wall anymore!

    Alt Cap: future young Westpointer tries out his topographical skills on the "mountains" and "valleys" he knows best!

  6. darn.....DK took mine..

    " Jimmy, I hope you aren't coloring on the walls again"...

  7. ( some dogs are sooooo mellow- I had a bassatt and she would fall asleep on her back and we would stack little doggie toys on her belly and see if she would if she heard Anyone near the kitchen- she was awake in a heartbeat....)

  8. My dog had dark fur, which did not lend itself as a drawing canvas.... but every now & then the kids would put a t shirt on him, his front legs in the arm holes & he'd walk out looking at me like get me out of this!

    Caption: Hey Mom where are the Sharpie markers with indelible ink??
