Sunday, March 15, 2009

Top O' the Day!

Well sure, it's that time of year, you'd expect Leprechauns with pots of gold

Happy thoughts of beer.....

O'Bama the Irish

Bet you did not expect this one!


  1. I actually heard this the other day.. that he was supposed to have Irish blood..That's pretty cool.

    Thanks for putting this up. I may have to steal it from

  2. OMG how much fun is this! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Yes, Annette this one has been circulating around, but I held it back for the big occasion.
    Talk about your international melting pot!
    Obama has a line at the end of the tune saying he has a great grandfather who is Irish- he looks fwd to going there & having a pint.
    Go ahead & share it.

    Lulu: Cheers!

  4. His mom's maiden name being Dunham, of course he is Irish!

    I'll have to look up the auld sod area of his great grandah's fam & see if it's near mine ... maybe we're related, LOL!

    If it's near Tipperary, he could even be related to The Kennedy's! BTW, one translation of Kennedy is Black Head ...

  5. I was looking at my Father's Family tree paperwork, his parents, (My paternal great Grandparents are from Tipperary in the late 1800's.)

    There is a story of their wood frame house being directly in the path of the Great Chicago fire (you know the Mrs/ O Leary's cow story)..... they thought it was a goner, but the winds changed shift & the house was spared. They had evacuated, (but it otherwise housed 6 kids- family of 8).

  6. Thanks for the cheery beginning to my day! Love the Barack O'Bama song! Hey, if Ronald Reagan can claim to be realated to Brian Boru (spelling??) probably Obama is too if he figured out his family tree far enoug back!

  7. Maui If only they would install that Heineken dispenser @ work!

    Happy St. Patties day to ya!

  8. O Maui Girl, say it ain't so! Brian Boru's father was Mac Cinneide (eventually anglecized to Kennedy). And there is just NO WAY I will accept Reagan being related to the Kennedy's. EVER! Obama doesn't have to reach back that far -- he IS IRISH!
