Sunday, April 26, 2009

1 in 10?

Hard to think about another brutal wave of junk mortgages about to hit the fan, defaulting even before the monthly rates double.

I wonder if the Government is really thinking ahead on how to deal with the homeless masses?

One friend suggested starting to buy the empty retail space & create living spaces out of them- community kitchen, build walls to have individual spaces. It's not a bad idea-- there are a whole lot of large retail spaces that will sit vacant.
Tighten your seatbelts kids.... this is going to be a very bumpy ride.

Ain't seen nothing yet....

All along the Watchtower


  1. its bad looks like Detroit...a mess...
    esp in my area- East side...I drove to the pharmacy today..and I could not count the number of foreclose, abandoned, and auction list houses....and others are being plucked apart...

    it is much higher here than the numbers presented above....

    The City Councils in my area have been having meetings about bulldozing the buildings and houses - and have started in some places near by...

    I don't know...I really don't....

  2. I had not heard of this 2nd wave of foreclosures.
    I can see where people are snapping under the pressure. What do people do when unemployment runs out & you lose the roof over your head?
    I'm just glad my kids are grown up & adults, because the self imposed pressure & responsibility, to care for your kids, their needs & well being would cast a heavier load on the whole situation.

    I do fear we are going to see more extreme scenarios with people losing it.
