Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

Sarah McLaughlin & Friends~ Big Yellow Taxi

Amazing Planet Earth


What a wonderful gift we have been given~ this planet Earth, we need to respect & care for her.
Our habitat, our children's future.
It's a pretty amazing thing, nature is.
Love Your Mother!


  1. This planet really is such a beautiful gift. Of all the things we can do, nature really provides for us, sustains us. I know when I feel stressed or unsure about something getting into nature really helps me to center & become grounded.

    Mother Nature has been forgiving to us, and thankfully there have been some along the way that had the vision & wisdom to protect & preserve the land & environment.

    Despite the fact much of mankind has been more like the Lorax story... mowing down & pillaging the land & generally trashing things, (Dr. Seuss) we still have an even stronger duty to turn things around & do the right thing.

    Human kind-- be both!
