Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tracking the flu

A word about this widget.....

This is a link to the CDC. It has updates to the H1N1 form of swine flu, in the United States.
It seemed like they were slow on reporting the numbers, but they ONLY report lab confirmed cases. Suspected outbreaks are not included, and those pending lab confirmations are not included, so if you are hearing about other States being reported or the numbers seem delayed, it is because they are only reporting officially confirmed numbers.

In a way this seems to be a disservice. They should post a pending, or suspected cases, in a different chart, perhaps, because by the time the State shows up on the grid, it could put lots of people at risk.

Google has a US map that does include suspected and pending data

I don't want to engage in panic, but staying informed & taking precautions is recommended.
We will need to tune in to State & local news to get regional updates.

Right now, there are no reported cases in my State, but I am going to buy some of that alcohol based hand cleaner gel anyway, for work. We have 300 people in a our building, and because it is a travel industry, workers take trips all over the world, and recently to Mexico as well.

The new strain of swine influenza A (H1N1) is currently listed by the United States and World Health Organization as a Phase 5 pandemic virus. Serious stuff!

Feel free to link the Widget, and WASH YOUR HANDS!


  1. I thought I would swing by the store to get some hand sanitizer, and 3 different stores were *cleaned out*.
    I guess that is good news, folks are stepping up to take preventative measures.
    It is recommended the sanitizer needs to be at least 60% alcohol to be effective in killing germs. All that I checked- even the generic brands I checked, met or exceeded the required percentage.

    There is a run on the stuff, so you might want to *keep some on hand* (pun intended).

  2. This sounds crazy- but Windex and Window Cleaning products are alteast 60% works great....

    okay thank you for posting map- excellent- resource....

    I will post more later-
    as of 6 PM-
    it is over 200 Confirmed cases-
    and in 23 states....

    thank you...swine flu blog updated too....

    take care..

  3. My workplace just made a new announcement- employees are prohibited from traveling to Mexico. They will be doing boarding screenings & potentially taking peoples temperatures.
    In this case if someone gets bumped off a cruise for running a fever, they will get a full cash refund....
    usually they get a future cruise credit...

    So they are starting to step up & really make an effort to keep everyone healthy.

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