Sunday, May 17, 2009

Slide into Sunday~

The Folk Festival is happening in town ~ a little slide guitar for Sunday. Enjoy!

About the latest government offerings~

I swear, it is like a really bad soap opera.
Nancy P says the CIA lied.
The CIA says Nancy P is lying.
The GOP wants Pelosi investigated!
Cheney is pointing the finger at Bush.

Tune in next week- if you can stand it!

Walker T. Ryan ~ Liar Liar


  1. I hope you're enjoying the folk festival. The first folk festival I attended featured Joan Baez and Melvina Reynolds. SF State 1967. I can remember to this day the wonderful voices and the crowd pleasing songs. Enjoy! And, thanks for the slide guitar video. A Sunday Morning Coming Down type of melody.

  2. Wow! Bet that was fantastic.
    It is nice to enjoy/immerse in the music.

    Walker T. Ryan was there live *2nd vid*.

    He is one fine musician.
