Monday, May 4, 2009

This just in...

(From news:)

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Oregon has its first three confirmed cases of swine flu and its first victim who required intensive care, public health officials said.

The state was awaiting U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmation of another 19 probable cases, said Dr. Mel Kohn, acting director of the Oregon Public Health Division.

Two of the confirmed cases are in the Portland area and the third is a student at Western Oregon University in Polk County, Kohn said. Of the 22 probable or confirmed cases, two required hospitalization -- a child with existing health problems who has since been released and a teenage girl recovering in an intensive care unit.

"The fact that we did have a case that was hospitalized and in the intensive care unit is of concern," Kohn said. "On the other hand, that is only one case, so it's difficult to know what that's going to mean in respect to severity."
Full story here.

The CDC has now confirmed 286 cases.
They appear to only update their web site 1x a day. I guess they have to grow the virus for a few days to confirm, and as time goes on, the more samples they receive, it seems the slower they get?
They were reporting suspected cases in Oregon for over a week.
I still think the CDC should have a 2nd chart showing pending cases from each state as well.
When asked why it was so deadly in Mexico & not across the borders, blogger Nurse Enigma @ Watergate Summer suggested possible water contamination near the epicenter of the pig farm in Mexico.

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