Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We all scream for Ice Cream

It is that time of year again, when the weather is warm & ice cream particularly hits the spot. Do you remember those days as a kid when you can hear the Ice Cream truck music in the distance? It was this gut level panic, to stop everything & run to your parents & beg for money. Please can I have some? I would even compile a list of good deeds or chores I'd done in my head, to recite quickly & make my case. Hurry! The truck is coming NOW!!! Sometimes they were slow to respond, so then you really had to hustle to chase down the truck. Do you remember having those agonizing moments, trying to choose one item from the ice cream menu posted on the side of the truck?

Sometimes you knew exactly what you wanted, other times the choice between a Creamsicle, and Good Humor chocolate layered thing, or the multicolored "bullet" was more than you could handle. There you stood, holding up the line, trying to work within your ice cream budget, and make the right choice.

Then kids would just plop down anywhere and savor the delectable sweet, cool delicacy. For that brief moment, all was well with the world. A delicious interlude in a quintessential summer experience, you could literally eat up.

I think I sampled most of the different offerings over the years, perhaps the ice cream truck is to blame for my love of the stuff. It is NOT what the Doctor ordered. They now do have decent variations-- quality soft serve frozen yogurt, and different sorbets. As a kid I had narrowed it down to Chocolate Chip mint ice cream as being my absolute favorite. Now they even make it without the coloring & of high quality stuff.

Pacific NW singer songwriter Laura Love wrote a song about how she wishes life would be--

"bills that pay themselves, and a Haagan Daz that helps reduce"

If only there were such a thing as really rich creamy ice cream that helps you lose weight!

Oh I know about Skinny Cow, etc.... and there are decent alternatives... but the real thing.... Mmmmm.

Any happy ice cream memories you have?

Did you chase down the Ice Cream truck as a kid?

What is your favorite flavor?


  1. Guilty pleasures. Ice cream is the way to go on that score. I had some last night. Vanilla with hot fudge sauce, fresh strawberries and bananas. Oh so good. I won't even bother to check BS in the morning. But I'll walk an extra mile in town as I have chores to do and I'll walk instead of drive.

    The ice cream trucks aren't what they used to be when I was a kid. In fact, I just moved into this neighborhood and haven't seen one around here yet. I listen for the off key faded musical recording or the bells. If I see one, I'll run out to the street for sure. And if the Grand kids are with me, it'll cost me a small fortune!


  2. PS My favorite was the Good Humor Raspberry 1-stick. I also liked the regular plain chocolate coated ice cream bar and the fudgecicle. You know, I liked the orange sherbet push-up and the rainbow popcicles too! Geez, I liked them all!

  3. I remember sometimes my Mom would say *no*- we have ice cream in the freezer. Just not the same! But when she did say yes, it was pure joy to have one of those special treats, from the cool ice cream truck, rolling down the road.
    I forgot abut the push ups... and the ice cream sandwich, oh & the ever popular Good Humor Chocolate Eclair.
    Such happy memories!

  4. Oh dear readership, I know the hot news topics are the Supreme court nomination, and Prop Hate and it's ugly reincarnations.... all the other blogs have it covered.

    It's been almost 80 degrees here, and I am thinking cool thoughts of summertime. A childhood memory of bliss.

    One needs to balance out the heavy reality factor with times of chilling out.
    May you enjoy a scoop of sanity for a change!

  5. i can't eat ice cream anymore. i was so traumatized after hearing something about it that i had to write a song to help me deal with it.

  6. Ack! Choke! Chortle!

    International signal for choking

    *Needs Heimlich maneuver*

    nonnie you have now put the image of one Karl Rove
    Spinning just like a ballerina
    in my head!!! With a pink tutu no less!

  7. Hello, you site is very funny he told me to cheer up .. Merry Christmas.

  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!

  9. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!
