Thursday, June 11, 2009

Clinic shutting down

I was saddened to read today that the clinic of the slain abortion Doctor's clinic will close. 

"Dr. George Tiller's family said relatives had chosen to honor him with charitable activities instead of reopening the clinic."
"We are proud of the service and courage shown by our husband and father and know that women's health care needs have been met because of his dedication and service."

They did not elaborate on their reasoning to close. 

Operation Rescue- the rabid anti-choice group, considers this a kind of "mission accomplished"...they have wanted to shut down the clinic. 

Publicly they say it is "bittersweet", that they want to see abortion clinics closed through peaceful, legal nonviolent means. 

I can understand that the staff was probably rattled to the core. The building was once bombed, the Doctor shot in both arms and then later, killed at point blank range, at his church. Clearly, Operation Rescue's headquarters in close proximity- almost set up to target this particular location would give anyone ample reason to not want to continue at that location. 

No one can accuse them of not giving their best effort, and undaunted courage to continue to provide Women's specialized health care. 
 They need to do whatever they must to find closure, and heal. 

Indeed, the good Doctor has given his life for the cause. 

I just hope closing the clinic does not encourage those who embrace terrorism, to think this is the way to achieve their goal. 

The terrorists have not won, they lost a Doctor who  helped save Women's lives in a very difficult & personal health decision. 
In fact, maybe these terrorists, hell bent on preventing late term abortion, often done to save the life of the Mother or terminate the pregnancy of a very sick, or compromised fetus will actually be an accomplice to the crime of not having a Doctor to help save Mother's lives, and cause more deaths. 


  1. some of the fundie hypocrites will eventually need the services of people like dr. tiller to save their own lives or those of people they love. there won't be anyone there to help them. in the meantime, one of their own has not only killed a man but others whose lives he might have saved.

  2. I heard today "Operation Rescue" would like to buy the clinic building to make it a memorial site for "the babies".

    These people will not let up.
    How crude of them to interfere in a couples most personal health issues.

    Does Operation rescue personally care for severely retarded, and deformed babies who will have extreme medical care & special needs for the rest of their lives?

    Does Operation rescue raise orphaned children of mother's who died because of the birth?

    These are very personal and private & difficult decisions that families need to make for themselves.

    If these other people don't want abortions, then they can opt to not have them.

    They squawk the talk, but don't walk the walk.
    The hypocrisy of "pro life" groups shooting, bombing & killing those they disagree with is
    glaringly pro psychotic.
