Sunday, June 21, 2009

Song of Hope

Dixie Chicks ~ The song & video say it all....

Lots of dark & destructive things going on in the world these days.
The kids are watchings us, trusting us.

See if you can find some hope today.
Take the time to smell the scent of a rose.
Do something healing.
Send love to your, and other nurturing Dads of the world.
Sometimes we have to look harder, and reach deeper to find hope, and light- but it's there.


  1. Oh this is a lovely song...and you know how I love the Chicks...

    I hope you and MrRamblings have a good fathers day....that it is quiet and peaceful...cozy...time to celebrate the family that you are.....

    you asked about finding some Hope...
    I did...
    Each year I have tried to plant vegi's and other goodies out back...and I fix up my porch..and over time the little neighborhood critters nibble on my plants so I really have never grown Anything here this year I told the other family of my side by side that they could have the backyard ( no garden for me)...they have two little ones and I wanted them to have a place to play....and then I have tried to plant things on the porch that the little ones would love too....

    I planted Sunflower seeds in a large old soup pot that a Vet gave me....and I planted them so the squirrelly ones would have a hard time.....and the past three nights we have had many thunderstorms....So today I went out and sure enough....there were seedlings in the pot staring up at me...beautiful baby green sprouts...

    I have not been able to grow them for almost 10 years ( due to many circumstances...) But now knowing they are Coming...for me that is Hope.....

    I have another Hope story for you...
    but I need to go check on Harry and Xena....things do not check sound peaceful....

  2. This is a great song for this place in time. Holding on to hope, while recognizing the pain & suffering.

    So glad a new start/sprout sprung to life.
    That embodies life & hope.

    I *hope* that turns into a lovely bouquet of bright sunflowers someday.

    As long as we breathe-- we hope.

  3. sure there is a lot of pain and misery in the world, but there is always hope for tomorrow, especially if those sunflowers give seeds! hope you have a nice family f-day.
