Monday, June 8, 2009


The concept for World Oceans Day was proposed in 1992 by the Government of Canada at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and it had been unofficially celebrated every year since then. Official designation by the U.N. is a significant step in conserving and protecting our world's ocean. 

World Oceans Day provides an opportunity each year to celebrate our world ocean and our personal connection to the sea. The Ocean Project, working closely with the World Ocean Network each year, helps to coordinate events and activities with aquariums, zoos, museums, conservation organizations, universities, schools, businesses. 

As of 2009, "World Oceans Day" has been officially declared by the United Nations as June 8th each year! Congratulations to all for helping make this happen!

Why Should I Celebrate World Oceans Day?

The world's ocean:
 Generates most of the oxygen we breathe

 Helps feed us

 Regulates our climate

 Cleans the water we drink

 Offers us a pharmacopoeia of potential medicines

 Provides limitless inspiration!

Yet for too long, human society has taken the world's ocean for granted.

Now we can give back! Take part in World Oceans Day events and activities this year and help protect our ocean for the future!

It's up to each one of us to help ensure that our ocean is protected and conserved for future generations. World Oceans Day allows us to:

Change perspective - encourage individuals to think about what the ocean means to them and what it has to offer all of us with hopes of conserving it for present and the future generations.

Learn - discover the wealth of diverse and beautiful ocean creatures and habitats, how our daily actions affect them, and how we are all interconnected.

Change our ways - we are all connected to the ocean! By taking care of your backyard, you are acting as a caretaker of our ocean. Making small modifications to your everyday habits will greatly benefit our blue planet.

Celebrate - whether you live inland or on the coast we are all connected to the ocean; take the time to think about how the ocean affects you, and how you affect the ocean, and then organize or participate in activities that celebrate our world ocean.

~ From The Ocean Project

Maybe if we all spent more time at the Ocean, our lives would have a lot less commotion?
But the Ocean is a habitat~ 
Bill Olivers Habitat Song Lyrics:

The ocean is a habitat, a very special habitat
It’s where the deepest water’s at
It’s where the biggest mammal’s at
It’s where out future food is at
It keeps the atmosphere intact
The ocean is a habitat we depend on! 

And now, some international words from our sponsor (the planet!)

Caring for the Blue Planet, you can make a difference!

Pour l’avenir de la Planète bleue, chacun de nos gestes compte !

Para el futuro del planeta azul, cada gesto cuenta!

Elk individueel gebaar speelt een rol in de toekomst van de blauwe planeet!

Auch Du kannst etwas für unseren Blauen Planeten tun!

Preocupe-se com o planeta azul, você pode fazer a diferença!

Tutti i nostri piccoli gesti sono importanti per il future del Pianeta blu!

Dla przyszłości błękitnej planety liczy się każdy, choćby najmniejszy gest!

 Для Счастливого будущего голубой планеты, важно каждый изнаших действий!

Film Trailer


Oceans cover over 70% of the Earth’s surface.
The oceans contain 97% of our planet's available water.

Besides being an amazing natural resource, Ocean waters are healing and beautiful places to have this watery worldwide connection.

The ocean puts you in your place.... yes you really are a tiny dot on the planet.

But like the way land mass has been exploited, the way we have managed our interrelationship with Oceans has been careless. We are there to use, profit from, and abuse it. Pollution & shoddy fishing practices have pushed this magical ecosystem to it's limits.
Be it oil spills, sewage dumps, or commercial applications like fishing, we've not been nice or wise about how we care for 70% of the planet.

It's never too late to change.
It took the United Nations 16 years to come onboard in officially recognizing World Ocean's Day.

Maybe there is hope for us yet....


  1. When you look at our body's saline PH, it is obvious humans came from the ocean (as did all life of course, but we are the ones who seem to need to be reminded).

    Maybe that's why we relate to the ocean on such a profound level. We are all trying to climb back into the womb in some way or another and it was the ocean that gave us life!

  2. I never thought of it in that way.... the Ocean as the quintessential "Mother/Womb".
    All that water that knows no border, connects the planet & has such an amazing diversity of plant & animal life/species.... and what do humans do???

    F@#k it up!

    Dr Seuss really nailed it with the Lorax story-- the "Onceler" corporate hog, claiming to meet people "thneeds" consuming & trashing things to death, taking out species along the way.

    Kudos to the Jaques Cousteau's, Greenpeace, Marine Scientists & Biologists who studied the Oceans and sounded the alarm years ago.

    They still have "dead zones" that pop up, where expanses of Ocean floor, once rich with plant & animal life, literally go dead. Even down to the finite
    algae and micro life. Something obviously went very wrong. They had the foresight to get the movement going to begin to protect the Oceans & it's species, and ultimately, ourselves!

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