Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Bob Dylan Wedding Song

Happy 22nd Anniversary Dear ~ & if there is eternity, I'll love you there again.....


  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to the RAMBLINGS! Your love WILL endure enternity!

    Perfect Bob Dylan song -- every line a gem -- my fav is "you taught me how to give".

  2. happy anniversary, ramblings! may you have at least another 22 years, all of them happy.

  3. How sweet is this! Congrats to the Ramblings, hope you ramble for another 22 and longer!

  4. DK ~ Gem for sure.

    Although I DO think it is our duty to "remake the world at large"..... or at least try.

    ***Thanks for the happy wishes all. ***

    Seems like the blink of an eye, how fast all those years flew by.
