Friday, August 14, 2009

Swine Check....

As of Aug 14, 2009:
Last week hospitalizations  6506 -------------992 additional hospitalizations
This week 7511-------------1005 new hospitalizations

Previous Death toll 436--------83 people died of Swine flu last week
Current death toll 477--------41 people died of Swine flu this week

The CDC changed their widget link to the Know What to do about the Flu focus...
It has tips & info

But you can still access the weekly update at the CDC website.
Click on the U.S. map on the right  to get the weekly update stats. 

Know What to Do About the Flu

Drawing of a boy with a thermometer in his mouth
  • Cover your cough
  • Wash your hands frequently
  • If you have a fever, stay home for at least 24 hrs after that fever has ended
  • Get a vaccine when it becomes available

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