Saturday, August 8, 2009

Swine Flu update

Keeping an eye on the United States Swine Flu statistics...

Week ending 8/7:

Last week hospitalizations 5514
This week hospitalizations  6506 -------------992 new hospitalizations

Previous Death Toll 353 (51 died the week of 7/30)
Current Death toll 436-------------------------83 people died of Swine flu this week


  1. Kind of scary that this is during the summer which is not usually flu season. Could be bad this winter.

  2. Hi Maui~ The County I live in had it's first Swine flu death this week. They are not releasing the name or gender or where they lived, just that the person had "other health complications" as well.

    It's been averaging about 50 Swine flu deaths a week, nationwide- so it raised an eyebrow to see the fatality rate jump to 83 this week- in August- not traditionally flu season.
    The health officials all seem to comment that it *will get worse*.

    I would think it might be good to really do some homework on what herbs & vitamins will help build up the immune system & start taking them before flu season hits.
    Couldn't hoit (hurt), as they say!
