Friday, September 11, 2009

Swine Update

Kind of strange.... usually the CDC posts the stats for the week.... the 9/11/09 update would have just last week's data, but it says the numbers are for the "week ending 9/5, data received by 9/10"
Maybe they are getting even more behind than the weekly reporting?
Anyway, besides the data backpedaling, the numbers took an alarming spike...
for the last few months there has been an average of 40 people per week dying of Swine flu.

1380 new hospitalizations
196 additional deaths

That is a huge increase, and school is just now resuming.

For real hand washing video....

Good idea to use the paper towel to turn off the tap, but you can also use it for the door knob to exit the restroom as well.
They say you should wash for as long as it takes to sing Happy Birthday.....

Hmm! Traditional or Beatles version?

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