Friday, October 23, 2009


This week totals (combined from Aug 30,2009, US numbers)

30,027 Hospitalizations total

2827 Deaths total

This weeks statistics:

9373 additional hospitalizations

506 additional deaths


  1. here is the LA times article-,0,2748081.story,
    I really would LOVE to know how many deathes are UNINSURED...

    it has been so poorly mishandled...bless you for blogging it and trying to track it...

    ( no vaccine here yet- they kept saying it would be here and free..and then only for healthcare workers...but nada)

  2. We've had some here, but much less than promised & now the regular flu shot is in short supply because people would rather have something than nothing.

    I don;t know why the media is saying "Over 1000 deaths" now.... because that would be in the last few MONTHS.

    The CDC page itself lists 2827 deaths.....

    so what is up w the latest news announcement???
