Monday, December 7, 2009

Democracy-esque Hope?

Click here to see Fiore's cartoon review of the president's recent speech.


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  2. I think Anon is a Palin troll! Drill baby drill!
    I just can;t wait to send $500 bucks to take a chance to get rich!!!

    If I send $1000 can I get even richer still?

    I am tingling throughout!
    I can barely contain my enthusiasm.

    I love taking chances to get rich.

    Oooh ! I am intrigued!
    "offshore structure with advanced asset management technologies in production and delivery of pipes for oil and gas. "

    Might it be Haliburton?
    Maybe Exxon, Chevron or Shell?

    Come to think of it, all of them can go to hell.

    Resource sucking planet killers.
