Saturday, December 26, 2009

Odd X Mas greeting cards....

Click to embiggen

Lassie Bails

Vexations from the Senate

Palin & her Dino Theories!

Ben Bernanke.... Nice Stocking Stuffer for AIG to fail to repay back the Bonus $$$

Greetings from The Henne's ~ From Jail !


  1. Hope Christmas was safe and enjoyable.

    I think 2010 will be a better year, if for anything, it's an even number and even numbers are always better than odd numbered years.

  2. Thanks Christopher~ We had a good XMas.
    Although by the end of the day I knew I had a major cold w runny nose. I hope it does not morph into the nasty flu my son came home with a week ago & we nursed him back to health.
    He was given the nasal version of the H1N1 @ age 21.
    It was a kick ass flu that had him down for 9 days.

    I certainly hope 2010 is better, this was one funky year!

  3. Bernanke is Time's Man of the Year? Does this mean we have officially run out of men?

  4. DK ~ Man of the Year? Was it the Man of the year who should be fired from his job???

    This bailout $ and bonus debacle, and the mysterious missing money Grayson went after him about.....

    I think one of Obamas biggest flaws is keeping Bush's people around. They gave bad advice back then & are still giving bad advice now.
    Bernanke is about as non transparent as one can be.

    He is a stain on the Obama administration.

    Do they give Stain of the Year awards???

    Lib: Back at cha!
    Keep on with your progressive activist perspectives. We've got our work cut out for us in 2010.

    The blending of the house & senate health care bills ought to be a piece of work, Eh?

  5. Re: Bernanke ... I just can't support one who considers Greenspan and Friedman to be highest quality economic mentors. To me his saving grace is that Krugman supports him.
