Thursday, December 17, 2009

Status Quo or Got to Go?

I'm not going to comment on Wars, Financial ruin, or what the Government is doing to the Health Care reform bill....
let's just say the next song holds real appeal to me about now....


  1. Oh sure, this has a lot of appeal to you. What are you? Thirty-seven miles from the Canadian border? Do you know it's more like 1900 miles for me? I'd retaliate, strike back by chiding I'm only 8 miles from the border...but that's 8 miles from the Mexican border...Juarez to be exact. Not exactly a place where you'd wanna be.

  2. Ok Dada.... you make a good point-- Juarez would going from the frying pan into the fire.....
    Canada is more than 37 miles away for me, but, frankly, the more I consider @ Canada, the better it looks. They seem to have their act together.... the West Coast is nice.
    One could have a dual citizenship.

    Something to consider.

    I'm just not sure how much more of this madness I can take.

  3. Oh now Dada, it's only a 3-day drive for you. Step One: "lose that gun". Step Two: gas up the car! I could probably make it in 2 if I drove all night. There are days (and nights) I am mightily tempted to jump in the car, head north and never look back.

    Fran, I don't know what drug those 'baggers have been taking in the first vid, but I hope it's not part of any govt med program, fluoridated toothpaste, or something that I could get a contact high from just watching them! Hissssss, hex fingers, spit ... open mouth, disengage brain, yell about my govt healthcare ... give me another hit of that 'bagger dope when the effect starts to wear thin ... jeez, how do they do it (stay so clueless)?

    It's been fun watching the evolution of the Billionaires. At first it seemed the 'baggers thought they were part of their party. But I see they are now starting to get some flack. That little kid in vid freaked me out, almost busting a blood vessel screaming about "real" americans .... arghhh!

  4. Im reality, I know it is a lot more difficult moving to Canada... but our neighbors to the North seem to have their shit together so much more than the US. I really like their #4..... No WAR!!!!!!
    Which may be one of the reasons they have $ for health care??

    AS for the republic-a-kid.... he said those touting the status quo are Bad..... by the time he realizes what he's saying.... it will be too late.

    Yes junior, the for profit system IS BAD.
    Really really bad.
