Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fiore Funnies


  1. the first one won't play. it just says that it's a private video. omg! fran, is that a sex tape? you kinky girl!

  2. when the 1st vid said it is "private", I was thinking maybe you are a relative of Mark Fiore who was sent a private cc, but I like Nonnie's idea better! hey the economy is so effed, why not an effy vid, too?

    re the 2nd vid, National Irony Day ... I would nominate those billionaires for wealthcare guys to lead that parade!

  3. hahahaha! Sex tapes.....

    Very funny !

    You two must be running PC's???

    Here is a link to the first vid... which runs fine on my computer. Sometimes techno stuff seems like voodoo.

    fran who has no time to log in!
