Wednesday, February 17, 2010

take this job & shove it

After a two year pay freeze, the corporation finally gave us a pay raise.

.19 cents an hour.
During this time, the company spent over 3 BILLION in new developments & acquisitions.


  1. and how much did they raise what you have to pay for insurance?

  2. They did not raise it at all!

    Well that was the offical word. Then a few days later they sent a correction addendum....
    they would charge the same amount....

    but oops! It will no longer cover 100% after co pays, but 80%.

    They raised the co pays (meds up to $50 bucks a pop), deductible,($500 or more depending on what you need), and other back door hikes.

    But get this-- they ask us to "donate generously" to United Way..... & other charities.

    Yea! I'll give generously when I get paid generously.

    Meanwhile I am donating 20% of my medical bill & other misc expenses.
