Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Long may you run

Can only post this as a link....

This was a sweet performance, and nice segment....
moreso say, than the invasion of the inflatables- Canadian Mounties & Beavers?

Click photo to embiggen


  1. The absolute worst closing Olympic ceremonies I've ever seen.

    The incessant yapping by the idiot Bob Costas, his faux translation of the IOC president's French words, and then in the middle of the festivities, an hour break for Jerry Seinfeld's dumb-ass new show which should be titled, Heterosexuals Acting Moronic.

    An appallingly awful end to an otherwise splendid 21st winter games. No wonder everyone hates NBC.

  2. Hey thanks to your link, I watched Neil Young and the clown torch thing.

    I was just wondering if Bob Costas really had to talk every second ... wish his mike has malfunctioned instead of the torch. I see Christopher had the same thought.

  3. one of the perks of motherhood is the ability to filter out background noise and annoyances. was bob costas speaking? i hadn't noticed! ;o)

  4. Christopher~ Costas is entirely annoying- we often found ourselves saying "I can't believe he just said that"
    Something like this country has never won ANY medals.
    Makes you hope they kick ass & win!
    Or just wishing he'd shut up.
    I did surf between some of the segments I could not take (not big on the soprano acts)....

    I did not watch the hetero morons show....
    Sounds like a real waste of time.

    DK ~ I'm a Neil Young fan, so it was nice he did one simple song.
    A mike malfunction for Costas, would have made the crowds go wild!

    Nonnie! You crack me up.
