Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mississippi Guvnah missin' the point....

The Guvnah' wants to keep his head in the sand, he should come on down to the beach & eat some tainted seafood.


  1. Did he get this speech from the goobers who've been writing the ads for high-fructose corn syrup or those "They call it pollution, we call it life?" CO2 ads from a few years ago?

    Sigh ...

  2. i wish they'd make another dukes of hazzard movie so that haley can go back to being boss hogg and staying off news shows.

  3. WK~ This guy's middle name should be "out of touch". My good ol' boy meter is in the red zone.
    In an editorial cartoon, they could just draw a giant pocket labeled Big oil, & put Barbour right in it. A veritable lap dog for the industry!

    nonnie~ See! I told ya he was mad.... mad as a junkyard dog. All this clamor about stench & toxicity is ruinin' the tourist industry.
    He reminds me of a used car salesman.
    Yea he fits right in to a dukes of hazzard profile.
