Friday, June 11, 2010

ready for change...

Oregon broke the record for exceeding average monthly rainfall for the month of June in the first few days of June. We've been singing this tune:

But 12 days into the month, they are promising we will see the bright orb in the sky. Maybe even go from 60 degrees to 90 degrees!!!
I want to be singing this tune.....


  1. down here, we have either raining like crazy or hot as hell. nothing else on the weather menu.

  2. we are opposite of you tonight. going from hot hot to big rainy thunderstorm just cracking open the sky right now. but I cannot "run and hide my head" (like the beatles song, which I remember having some backwards lyrics at the end) since Clyde had to be escorted outside. The wild storm kind of focused his mind so he was quick about his business.

    Actually it's very refreshing to break our big heat wave with a light show summer storm. The plants love it! The worst side effect will be our inevitable power outage when we're right in the middle of Bill Maher or something.

    are you sure you will recognize the bright orb after its long absence?
