Friday, June 4, 2010

What have we done?

This video captures the mournful feeling of what has been done to our Planet. This is global & the earth is our home. Although the BP CEO blurted out he wanted his life back, the truth is we want our Gulf stream waters and wildlife back.


  1. sorry Fran, I cannot watch the oil-choked animals. I tried to watch some of the images on TV last night, but felt like I was being choked with oil myself.

    It's just too painful. In my head I keep hearing Simon & Garfunkel, "who will love a little sparrow? Will no one write her eulogy?"

  2. watching the dateline special on the gulf now. heartbreaking.

  3. DK ~ I know it's a heartbreaker, but as BP spends
    $50 million bucks to promote this corporate feel good/ we're responsible image

    The Gulf is home for thousands of BP employees and we all feel the impact," BP CEO Tony Hayward says to the camera in the TV ad that launched Thursday. "To all the volunteers and for the strong support of the government, thank you. We know it is our responsibility to keep you informed and do everything we can so this never happens again. We will get this done. We will make this right."

    That's what BP wants us to hear & think- all the while have beach clean up workers vow to not speak with the media AND a pretty strict media blackout on the dead animal pictures.
    The more concentrated the oily muck & chemical dispersants are, the higher the wildlife fatalities are.

    I'm not going to focus on it all the time, but the reality of the matter is the Gulf has been poisoned. For those animals that don't live, BP can't make it right for them. Because it also hit during sensitive hatching & migration time, it could easily wipe out the next generations as well.

    I know it is a cold harsh reality, but let's not drink the BP kool aid. (Not that I think you folks were). It's just a reality check.
    Did not mean to ruin your day.....

    Nonnie~ really sorry to hear the glop is hitting the western Florida beaches. They had some local official saying he called BP & they said they'd send out an observation team. The guy did not miss a beat in saying we don;t need a damned observation team, send people to clean up this crap NOW!

    I like that he dispensed with all the social protocol & cut to the chase.

  4. DK ~ I know it's a heartbreaker, but as BP spends
    $50 million bucks to promote this corporate feel good/ we're responsible image

    The Gulf is home for thousands of BP employees and we all feel the impact," BP CEO Tony Hayward says to the camera in the TV ad that launched Thursday. "To all the volunteers and for the strong support of the government, thank you. We know it is our responsibility to keep you informed and do everything we can so this never happens again. We will get this done. We will make this right."

    That's what BP wants us to hear & think- all the while have beach clean up workers vow to not speak with the media AND a pretty strict media blackout on the dead animal pictures.
    The more concentrated the oily muck & chemical dispersants are, the higher the wildlife fatalities are.

    I'm not going to focus on it all the time, but the reality of the matter is the Gulf has been poisoned. For those animals that don't live, BP can't make it right for them. Because it also hit during sensitive hatching & migration time, it could easily wipe out the next generations as well.

    I know it is a cold harsh reality, but let's not drink the BP kool aid. (Not that I think you folks were). It's just a reality check.
    Did not mean to ruin your day.....

    Nonnie~ really sorry to hear the glop is hitting the western Florida beaches. They had some local official saying he called BP & they said they'd send out an observation team. The guy did not miss a beat in saying we don;t need a damned observation team, send people to clean up this crap NOW!

    I like that he dispensed with all the social protocol & cut to the chase.

  5. no Fran, YOU did not ruin my day ... that is BP's specialty ... but for me, I just cannot watch the struggling oil-choked animals in the same way I could not watch the kentucky derby horse that broke its leg or michael vick's pitbulls ... I just cannot get those images out of my mind.

    But I do realize the images are reality and are important to record exactly what is happening. Hopefully enough people are paying attention and horrified by this bio-disaster and figuring out what the risks of offshore drilling actually are.

    I saw today the O-team did not want to seem pushy about forcing alt-energy legislation that might seem to be taking advantage of people's high emotions about this gulf disaster. My response is why the holy f*ck not? We can't afford such a high-minded attitude right now. I say go for it while the public is paying attention.

  6. DK ~ I agree w the stance on Obama. He himself was on the "safe & clean coal,nuclear & oil" train himself.

    I'm sure it is lobby & big $$$ pressure, but let's not run w the 3rd option nuclear to "test the waters" to see if it too is fraught with deadly problems.

    How many funerals & disasters do they need to get it???

    It is the perfect time to declare Solar makes sense & demand better mileage in vehicles.

    It makes me sick to see new vehicles in 2010 features that get 15 mpg.
    That is worse than my 15 year old vehicle that was a gas hog itself. We are going backwards!

    Slap a solar panel n the White House aka Jimmy Carter style, & start mandating solar panels be on every new construction building.
    subsidize solar panels to make then affordable. Make BP pay for much of it.

    Imaging the # of jobs that would create-- manufacturing solar panels, installing, designing solar systems .
    Most homes in the US should have solar panels.

    We have to get off the teat of big oil.

  7. Nonnie~ I watched the Dateline special-- how about that mock graveyard that couple created?

    Wow! Powerful message.
