Sunday, July 25, 2010

In my future?

I just requested to sign up for the intro to Taiko Drum class in the fall. Not sure about the details just yet...
but I have done African & Latin/Conga drumming & was always impressed & intrigued with these huge wooden barrel Japanese drums.  Amazing sound live & in person. This is the local Eugene Taiko drum troupe. I'm hoping the beginners are not required to do the fancy spinning & tossing of the beater sticks this featured drummer is doing!


  1. That sounds like a lot of fun! Literally and figuratively.

  2. Oooh, love it! Can't wait for coverage of your first recital!

  3. that was absolutely amazing. the resonance was incredible, even in just a video. it was hypnotizing. thanks for posting that, fran. i had never even heard of taiko drum before.

  4. these guys are fantastic. bet you'll be flinging sticks around before you know it. the beat demands it and you feel it in your soul ... you. must. FLING!
