Thursday, July 8, 2010

My .02¢ about the postal service rate hike

This one should be a no brainer-- technology has outpaced what the Postal Service has to offer. 
You can send an e mail across the globe & get a response in a matter of minutes, or wait for something with a stamp to get there, one way in days?
Since the Postal Service is expecting a $7 billion dollar deficit,  last year they experienced a 12.7% decline in business, it's time for change.

 Our neighbors to the north-  Canada does not deliver mail on Saturdays. 
5 days a week should be just fine.... we could easily adapt & that would help the budget a whole lot more.  I have no problem with a .46¢ stamp. Think about it.... if I offered to give you 46 cents to  physically run something from Oregon to New York, you'd probably decline. This is a simple fix-- when an agency or business is in the hole by billions, it's time to take action. This discussion has been going around for years. Let's do something more than a .02 cent rate hike, that probably won't even cover the cost of fuel hikes in the next few years.

One other pet peeve about the post office.... excessive packaging for stamps-- Ironically... the nature series has a large mural with peel off stamps- about 1/2 the page goes in the garbage... but often that sheet comes on top of a piece of cardboard, sealed in a plastic overwrap.  (By the way, the Hawaii stamps are coming out in August). 
Use more of the space for actual stamps & lose the other throw aways.  It's the freaking nature series!


  1. i don't think we need saturday delivery. in fact, if you cut out all the crap bulk mail, we could probably get by with mail just a couple of times a week. however, that would put a lot of people out of work. damned if you do, damned if you don't.

  2. Much of our mail goes right to the shredder or the recycle bin....
    Just how many billions in the hole do things have to go before something gets changed?

    Drop the Saturday delivery & save a bundle.

    "According to their reports cutting back delivery by just one day would save two to three billion dollars a year."

    Why wait?
