Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby!

My baby is turning 22 years old today!!!!  Here is a previous montage I made for him a few years ago.
Part of it is a trip to Alaska... a first for us all.


  1. Congratulations to you and happy birthday to your son! 22 used to seem so far away. All my best!

  2. What a handsome young man you have there. You must be very proud of him. Hope you all have a great time celebrating his birthday.

  3. Happy birthday to your wonderful son! Congratulations!

  4. happy bday to the kid. save me a piece of cake.

  5. Gosh they grow up so fast. Turn around and they are adults (but still always your baby). Happy B-Day to The Ramblino!

  6. Thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes for the kiddo..... where did the time go?

    For the record he's getting older, but I'd rather not. 45 & holding??

  7. Oh geez, what's new? Looks like I'm arriving a day late for the party. Hope it was a great day. (Nice montage, BTW.)

    Oh, c'mon up Fran! It's not so bad up here. Even 33 1/3s, and 45s gave way to 78's! (Or do I have that backwards?)
