Sunday, September 12, 2010

A responsibility we all bear....


  1. that was so cute!

    how is the offspring feeling?

  2. Hi Nonnie~ The offspring is on the mend, thanks for asking. He is responding well to the antibiotics. The swelling & discoloration are waaaay down.
    He seems to be suffering now from buried-in-paperwork-itis.
    The bills are coming & growing in size.
    Can you imagine $7,700 for 2 days in the hospital for IV antibiotics???
    No surgery or other invasive procedure.


  3. the important thing is that he's okay. he might have lost his leg, or even worse! the bills will be a pain in the ass for a while, but at least he still has an ass. so, so glad he's better.

  4. P Bears were not made for our world, nor were we made for theirs. I did like seeing the Bear Hug, though in real life, I'd have jumped in that car and sped away for my life!

  5. おっぱいにこだわりを持つおっぱいマニア必見!あなたが思う最高のおっぱいとは?たった15の質問で乳首の色から形・大きさまであなたの望む最高のおっぱいが暴かれるチョイエロ診断です!
