Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Political ad fun....

The calm prozac voice, piano background music, you'd almost think this was a prescription drug ad!
Take one of these on election day, and things will change. Side effects include your head spinning, nausea, mournful regret, and further degradation of the country.


  1. OMG! Seriously, you hit the nail on the head with this prescription. :)

    Please people in America! Don't be such fucking idiots!

  2. well, now i'm confoozled. first, she said that she's me. however, now she looks more like cher than like me. how can that be?

  3. Lib~ Feel the mournful regret!
    Do you think this nutcase could actually get elected???

    Nonnie~ Ha! My first thought was
    Christine O'Donnell You are no ME!!!!!

    Because if she was me, she'd be kicking her ass to the curb.

    As for her looking like Cher... well we must be in some crazy vortex.

    Do voters really eat up this s#@t????

  4. she doesn't look like cher at all, but the doll in the second video does.
