Wednesday, October 27, 2010

something different...


  1. OK, that was a nice break from the usual news of the day, but can we now get back to killing children and young people like those in the video as they do so efficiently in Juarez for Mexico or Afghanistan for we in the U.S.?

    Nice to show something creative and original that humanity is capable of doing, but that's not where our REAL talents lie now, is it?

  2. wow I sure don't remember my high school marching band being capable of anything even remotely like this. though we did once have a live golden palomino horse appear on the field, complete with a lady godiva bareback rider, wearing a long blond wig and big purple peace sign sunglasses and nothing else. no one was ever able to identify her. hmmm ....

    dada, you are so jaded. the killing news will always be there. that car wash massacre this morning, for instance, the deaths extending beyond the targeted employees in drug rehab to include a motorcycler who'd stopped for free air/water and a nearby fruit vendor. there is no sense in being elusive about it, we are only a step away from the dark pit of our biological imperative (sometimes only half a step).

    Let the morning come! Yes! Absolutely! Can't come soon enough!
