Monday, October 11, 2010

This political season


  1. i think they need someone else to play little chrissie. making fun of her is so easy, and this is the second time snl has failed to make me even chuckle. this doesn't hold a candle to tina fey's princess sarah, imho.

  2. Really? Because I got a kick out of the closing line
    "Paid for by the Coven to elect Christine O'Donnell, who is not a witch".

    Especially because my TV is flooded with the usual mud slinging antics during election season.
    I guess I just needed some outright mockery of political ads.

  3. Oh & yes, Tina Fey is the master impersonator.

    She rocks mocking Palin!

  4. the only part i thought was funny was the end with the coven to elect c o'd. i think it's the actress who bothers me. i don't think she sounds anything like little chrissie, and she doesn't capture her vacant facial expressions.
