Friday, December 24, 2010

All things Wassail

“Here We Come A-Wassailing” 
While the song is better known as “Here We Go A-Caroling” to some, wassail is a spiked, mulled hot punch that is usually made with cider or wine, cinnamon, cloves, sugar and apples.
The Middle Age toast “Waes hail” or “to your health” would be employed when handing someone a drink. The proper response was “drinc hail” or “drink to your health.” Thus, wassail can also simply mean to merrymake or raise one’s glass.

Manheim Steamroller Acoustic Version
Instructions on how to actually make Wassail (In both Metric & US Measurements!!!)
Involves Ale !

Crockpot Wassail

8 cups apple juice or cider
2 cups cranberry juice
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup sugar
2 oranges
Whole cloves
1 apple, peeled and diced
1 teaspoon Allspice
1 teaspoon Ginger
1 teaspoon Nugmet
3 cinnamon sticks (or 3 tablespoons ground cinnamon)
1/2 cup - 1 cup brandy (optional)
Turn the crockpot on high and pour in the apple cider (or juice) and cranberry juice. Mix in the honey and sugar until dissolved. Stud the oranges with the cloves (25 to 30 should do the trick) and place in the pot. Add the diced apple, Allspice, Ginger and Nutmeg. Finally, snap the cinnamon sticks in half and add those as well. Cover the pot and cook on high for 1 hour. Change the setting to low and allow to simmer for 3 more hours. About half an hour prior to serving, add the Brandy if you choose to use it.

Garnish with slices of orange or lemon...
Nice Hammer Dulcimer Version
Well then! I think we've pretty much covered all things Wassail!

Here we come a-wassailing among the leaves so green.
Here we come a-wand'ring so fair to be seen.
Love and joy come to you,
and to all your wassail, too,
may God bless you, and send you a Happy New Year,
 God send you a Happy New Year.


  1. aaah, now I FINALLY understand what wassail is. the song always cracked me up as a kid because I thought wassail was an insult ... yes, mispronunication was involved!

    Wishing the Ramblings a wonderful wassailly christmas (oh wait, now it's sounding like wasilla, nooooooo ....)!!

  2. Happy Christmas and Merry New Year to you and yours! And thanks for the recipe for the wassail - anything hot and spiked with brandy sounds great to me.

  3. happy holidays to you and all your readers, fran. don't overdo it with the wassail!
