Monday, December 20, 2010

Winter Solstice • Full Moon • Total Lunar Eclipse


  1. Hat tip to the folks @ Skippy, sooo beautiful I had to share it.
    Plus this may be as much of a view as I get here in the Rainforest zone of Oregon....
    90% chance of rain today!

  2. i set my alarm so i won't forget to go out and watch.

  3. Got a peek @ the bright full moon in cloudbreaks, @ 10:30.... 11:15 solid clouds.

  4. i went outside every half hour or so, beginning at around midnight. it was cloudy, and i couldn't even see the moon. i was so disappointed. however, when i went out at around 1:15, there it was in all it's eclipsical glory. the show got better and better (even though i was freezing my ass off). the moon looked like a marble suspended in the sky. you could see it sphericalness, and it was surreal and beautiful. when i went outside for the last time, around 4:30, only half the moon was in shadow. it was really spectacular, and i was glad i didn't forget to go outside.
