Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Show us the humanity

The "news" is so dumbed down it is ridiculous. They took the Japan Earthquake & failing nuclear power plant situation & gave it a title "Disaster in Japan" with a graphic & theme song-- like it is a freaking made-for-tv miniseries.

Plus they have the gall to always be sure to include a bigger story of how all this effects money markets.

It is obvious that when a country experiences a triple whammy, as Japan is- Earthquake, Tsunami & multiple Nuclear Power Plant reactor failures that the money markets, i.e. "business as usual" is disrupted. 
Screw the markets, let's focus on the humanitarian aspect & encourage people to contribute to the relief effort. 

Seriously? They are still fully immersed in search & rescue & finding live people in the rubble.... they should be flashing International Red Cross 800#'s asking people to give with they can to help. It is freezing cold there & so many are displaced. They need essentials & they need recovery money, and they need it now.

The U.S. likes to think of itself as 9-11 to the world, this is the kind of thing we should be responding to- not creating strife & wars in other countries.

A glimpse of a day of a Red Cross worker in Japan:

In the last three days, the hospital has received over a thousand patients from the surrounding area, and every inch of floor space is occupied with the sick and the wounded. Most of the injured are brought by civil defence helicopters and buses, while others manage to limp in or are carried through the doors. The trauma is evident, written on the pale faces of many who have seen loved ones swept to their death.
It is the elderly who have been hit the hardest. The tsunami engulfed half the town and many lie shivering uncontrollably under blankets. They are suffering from hypothermia having been stranded in their homes without water or electricity. At night, the town is plunged into darkness and it is bitterly cold. The night sky is penetrated by the searchlights of civil defence helicopters, which continue the round-the-clock search for stranded households.
Dr Takayaki Takahashi is a surgeon who leads one of the five mobile medical teams that operate out of the hospital. He’s been on call for 48 hours straight. Each day he heads out with another doctor and three nurses to run clinics at the evacuation centres set up in public buildings where thousands of people have been housed.
“Today we went to Miyoto, which is only about 10 kilometres away by road, but the bridge from the mainland had been swept away. We had to get there by helicopter as it is still surrounded by water. We treated 100 people and left three days rations of food and water for 700 people who are sheltering in a school.”
All along this coastline, people continue to emerge from the debris. Some have been marooned in their homes, surrounded by the lakes of seawater left behind as the tsunami retreated. The stories that return with the medical teams bring home the enormity of this disaster. In some areas, the tsunami destroyed everything in its path – the teams no longer venture north-east of the town as they know there were no survivors.
Many of the wounded are burn victims whose homes caught fire when the diesel from sinking fishing boats ignited the mass of debris being carried inland by the tidal surge. In one area, local residents are now too afraid to stay in their homes at night because of the frequent aftershocks and the fear of a repeat tsunami. Instead, they sleep in their cars on the second storey of a car park.
Some of the seriously injured taken to the hospital are people who were swept up in the tsunami. They’re being stretchered in with internal injuries and severe wounds. Others are at risk from pneumonia having inhaled large quantities of contaminated sea water.
Hundreds of Red Cross medical staff have come in to work at the hospital on four-day rotation from other hospitals across Japan. Whilst morale is high, medical supplies are running low, and with no electricity and problems finding fuel to run the hospital generator, conditions are difficult.
In the coming days, search and rescue efforts will turn towards the retrieval of dead bodies, which litter the devastated coastline. The hospital is setting up a special tent to store the bodies and help with the identification process.
As well as providing basic relief items such as blankets to evacuees, the Japanese Red Cross has deployed over 80 medical teams, which are based in hospitals receiving the sick and injured. The teams operate mobile clinics to provide care for the thousands of people displaced by the earthquake and tsunami.

Make sure you specify it is to go to Japan Earthquake relief if that is where you want it to go.
I do believe it is tax deductible as well, if that can help allow you to donate even more.

Your donation will be processed by WorldPay, who specialise in secure online financial transactions. Please fill out the form below. Once you press send you will be taken to a secure WorldPay area where your donation will be automatically processed.
Click here for a link to the online donation form.

I can't find the page w the exact number now, but the INternational Red Cross has 1 paid employee to every 300+ volunteers. 

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world's largest humanitarian network with nearly 100 million members, volunteers and supporters in 186 National Societies.
Together, we act before, during and after disasters and health emergencies to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people. We do so without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions.
Guided by Strategy 2020 – our collective plan of action to tackle the major humanitarian and development challenges of this decade – we are committed, in this fast-changing world, to ‘saving lives and changing minds’.
Our strength is in our volunteer network, our community-based expertise and our ability to give a global voice to vulnerable people. By improving humanitarian standards, working as partners in development, responding to disasters, supporting healthier and safer communities, we help reduce vulnerabilities, strengthen resilience and foster a culture of peace around the world.


  1. shelterbox is a wonderful organization. here's the website if anyone would like to see what they do:

  2. The radioactive cloud is forecast to reach Southern California late on Friday.

    I have the map and details up on my blog.

    But the MSM is dutifully ignoring this report. They don't want to alarm us.

    No wonder President Pootie Tang is headed to Rio this Sunday with the wife, kids and granny. It's safer on another continent.

  3. Nonnie~ I wonder if Shelterbox works better in a tropical climate, like Haiti.
    Japan is having freezing temps & snow.

    Christopher.... Of course the fallout will blow over, you;d have to be pretty naive to think not.
    We will probably see some toxic reactions in Ocean life as well.
    I'll swing by & check out the info you posted.
