Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tea Party Death Panels?

At the Republican Debate, Tea Party members shouted out 
that a man in a coma with no health insurance should die.


  1. deciding not the buy health insurance is punishable by death, according to ron paul and the teabaggers. you don't get any second chances.

  2. Ron Paul is allegedly a physician.

    Don't physicians take a Hippocratic Oath or has that gone the way of $2 dollar gasoline?

    Paul is one scary son-of-a-bitch.

  3. Nonnie~ Let's face it, most people don't "choose" to not get health insurance-- the choice is made for them. Not enough money to pay basic cost of living & health insurance.
    (Kids! Do you want to eat or have health insurance?)
    Some policies hardly cover much.
    Other policies have such huge co pays & % out of pocket that people can't afford the ins premium and the other costs they are hit up with.
    People who lost their jobs (that's 14 million Americans as of Aug 2011), can't afford COBRA payments. Again having to choose between having a place to live & food, VS health care insurance.

    Nearly one-in-four working-age adults are uninsured.

    The number of people who lacked health insurance last year climbed to 49.9 million, up from 49 million in 2009, the Census Bureau said Tuesday.
    Nationwide, 16.3% of the population was uninsured last year, statistically unchanged from 2009.

    Ron Paul would have us believe 1 in 4 adults have chosen "the freedom" of living (dying) without health care insurance.

    Christopher: Safe to say Ron Paul gave Americans every reason to never consider him for the presidency.

    As if being unemployed or living in poverty is something people actively choose.

  4. These are the people who fought like hell to keep Terri Schiavo alive... even though she had been in a coma.
    The legal battle went on for 7 years.

    In all, the Schiavo case involved 14 appeals and numerous motions, petitions, and hearings in the Florida courts; five suits in federal district court; Florida legislation struck down by the Supreme Court of Florida; a subpoena by a congressional committee to qualify Schiavo for witness protection; federal legislation (the Palm Sunday Compromise); and four denials of certiorari from the Supreme Court of the United States. The case also spurred highly visible activism from the pro-life movement and disability rights groups.
    Several appeals and federal government intervention followed, which included U.S. President George W. Bush returning to Washington D.C. to sign legislation designed to keep her alive.

    Well! She must have had insurance!
