Monday, October 17, 2011

In Memoriam

My Mom passed away this afternoon, peacefully, at age 86.
She was an extraordinary human being who was proud to
"wear her heart on her sleeve". She helped so many friends and family
in their times of need, it was difficult to witness
Alzheimer's rob her of her ability to communicate- such a bright,
articulate & caring woman. 

I Love You Mom
You always have a place in my heart

Grains, Blades, Drops, Stars

I love you as much as all the.....
 grains of sand,
blades of grass,
drops of rain,
& stars in the sky

* We came up with this "how much I love you" idea over a number of years...
cards & letters often had "GDBS" inscribed as a footnote.


  1. oh, fran, i'm so, so sorry. may she rest in peace. condolences to your family and everyone who loved your mom.

  2. This breaks my heart. Tears in my cheeks

  3. Fran: I am so sorry for your and your family's loss. This resurrected memories of my own mom's passing. Also age 85, her last year via a series of strokes saw her disabilities increase as her mind diminished, much like your Mom's progression with Alzheimer's. And after all these years (24), I still vacillate between relief and freedom (hers) and the loss (ours), increasingly tempered by knowing Mom still exists in the memories of everyone who knew and loved her. Time tempers, time helps.

  4. Please accept my condolences on the passing of your mother.

    Alzheimer disease is a thief and I only wish this country had its priorities right and spent at least half the monies we squandered on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan on finding treatment and cures for these awful diseases.

    Again, I am so sorry on your mother's passing.
