Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Koch brothers must be happy

Redistricting was a grand scheme to be able to manipulate voting blocks.
Dennis Kuchinich has lost his house seat.
Redistricting caused him to have to run against Marcy Kaptur, both of them champions for the people.

Don't get me wrong, Marcy Kaptur is a gem & a fighter:

But it is a loss to have Kucinich out of congress.

Meanwhile in the Republican primary, Samuel Wurzelbacher, who gained fame after John McCain's presidential campaign promoted him as "Joe the Plumber," defeated auctioneer Steve Kraus in Ohio's Ninth Congressional District, which leans Democratic.
Ms. Kaptur, 65 years old, who came to Congress in 1983, is the longest-serving female member of the House. She is a traditional working-class Catholic Democrat, strongly opposed to free-trade agreements and holding conservative views on abortion.
If she wins in November, Ms. Kaptur would be in line to serve as the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, which controls federal spending, though other Democrats could challenge her for the post.
Mr. Kucinich, also 65, is a flashier breed of Democrat. At age 31, he served as the "boy mayor of Cleveland" and won election to the House in 1996. A staunch liberal who ran for president in 2004 and 2008, he's also a proud vegan who advocates the creation of a U.S. Department of Peace.  - From Politics

'Two districts were eliminated. Kaptur should have an easy time defeating Joe the Plumber. There are rumors that Kucinich may go after a vacant congressional seat in Washington state. 

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